A crucial conversation is a dialogue between two people where the stakes are high. If it doesn’t succeed, we can have other consequences or problems.
The additional challenge layered on top of conversations is our reaction. We naturally seek to avoid conflict, either preemptively or by storming out when the dialogue gets too heavy. The longer we put off these conversations, the more damage is done, either to the relationship, the project, or even our own physical wellbeing. There is lots of data out there showing that when we hold things inside or when we carry grudges, we’re actually physically damaging ourselves.
On a fundamental level, organizations and projects that avoid having these tough conversations have a high turnover and significantly less engagement. When we don’t share things, confront the wrong issues, keep secrets and ignore disagreements, we aren’t doing ourselves any favours.
The case for having these crucial conversations is bolstered by the ultimate effect of having this dialogue: they clear the air and allow us to move forward more productively.